Trade Agreement Between the UK and EU

The trade and cooperation agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union (EU) was finally concluded at the latest stage on December 24, 2020.

 Advanced Colour Coatings are EORI registered and have already established a smooth path through the post Brexit customs controls for a number of our European customers , having ensured full compliance to new regulations and applying the the right customs tariff codes (HS codes) for the products that we receive for processing ( pretreatment, powdercoating, wet-painting) from our European customers and returning them under the most appropriate and agreed  incoterms.

Why Choose ACC

  • We use an independant customs broking Organisation for the management of all incoming/outgoing deliveries to ensure on time delivery of product from and to Europe.

  • Our broker’s approach to treat the multi-stage customs process as a single pipeline and to utilise their established systems of sharing data between exporters, importers and themselves, with maximum accuracy of customs declarations to maintain client compliance with tax authorities.

  • Compliant documentation is raised (Commercial invoices, Consignment notes, Packing lists and supporting data).

  • We provide professional help to ensure supply chain compliance and ensure the most appropriate Incoterms® rules are agreed